This two-CD set contains nineteen short lessons in awareness through movement, the verbally-guided means of learning Feldenkrais. They focus on the coordinations essential to finding & using the strength in our legs.
The lessons are quite like the ones you might do in a Feldenkrais group class, but shorter, ranging from five to fifteen minutes — perfect for breaks at work or home!
This two-CD set contains twenty short lessons in awareness through movement, the verbally-guided means of learning Feldenkrais. As the title indicates, they are all done in a sitting position, and form a comprehensive introduction to the possibilities of movement, awareness and comfort in sitting.
The lessons range from four to eleven minutes long.
Speaking of the Sitting Series CD set, Gareth Jones says:
“I've now worked my way through the series and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I have several introductory programmes by practitioners who, I believe, are very highly regarded within the field and I can honestly write that Sitting Series betters them in terms of clear instruction ...
“For me the wonderful thing about attending ATM workshops and working through lessons at home has been the gradual dawning that I have some choice in how I move. Your series has helped tremendously in this respect.”
If you want to try some of these lessons, three from Sitting Series and one from Strong Legs may be downloaded for free here:
Short lessons in awareness through movement
Strong Legs: | ||
Sitting Series: | ||
13 Camellia House Idonia Street London SE8 4LZ |