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Feldenkrais classes & lessons in London

Scott Clark, Ryan Jansen & associates offer lessons, classes & training in the Feldenkrais Method.

professional training
The new four-year training programme has started, led by the successful team of Scott Clark, Sophie Arditti, Shelagh O'Neill & Ryan Jansen. Late entry may be possible. If you are interested, contact us now: professional training!

what is it?
who's it for?
The Feldenkrais Method ® is an approach to learning and action, through the medium of movement. By improving our movement, posture and breathing, we can become more powerful, flexible and coordinated; we can awaken our innate capacity for comfort and grace. But more than that, we can learn about ourselves at the deepest level, and our potential for creatively meeting new challenges ...
Who? Many people come to Feldenkrais for help with chronic back problems, RSI, or patterns of tension and stress. Some come for help with neurological conditions, such as MS, cerebral palsy or stroke. Some want to develop existing skills in sports, music, dance or other areas. It is invaluable for anyone who wants to improve their ability to move, to do, and to rest.
How? Feldenkrais is taught through both individual lessons and group classes. The individual lessons are tailored to your needs and your situation, while classes follow themes of more general relevance. If you have a particular or acute difficulty, individual lessons may be quicker and more to the point for you. Classes provide a regular opportunity to develop your knowledge of yourself; they combine the immediate experience of good movement with a conscious awareness of how you got there.

online classes
Tues / Weds at 6.30 pm
Click here for zoom classes — online classes with Scott; come either Tuesday or Wednesday, find a comfortable place where you can lie on the floor, turn your computer sound on, and click on the link in time for the 6.30 start. No need to book ahead.
(Meeting ID: 893 5605 0757; Passcode: 717215)
The full price is £15; concessions available.
Payments via paypal.
On summer break – come back in September!

individual lessons
Scott has no availability at the moment; Ryan may have. Contact him through the email link below.

mailing list

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Feldenkrais Method® is the registered trademark of the Feldenkrais Guild UK Ltd, Reg No. 1563759. Website construction: Camellia Productions; photos: J Thrift, Christian Kipp, Roswitha Chesher.

movement for human being