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Feldenkrais classes & lessons in London
Feldenkrais organisations

The Feldenkrais Guild UK
The Guild is the professional organisation of practitioners here in the UK. This site provides listings of all member practitioners, with contact details, and many of the classes and workshops being offered across the country. There is a collection of articles by practitioners, and also by ordinary people about their experience of Feldenkrais. The Guild makes available some sets of lessons on audiotape and some books.

International Feldenkrais Federation
The IFF is an international umbrella organisation for different national guilds, for which this site provides contact details. There is also a comprehensive bibliography of books, articles and research relating to the Method.

EuroTAB stands for European Training Accreditation Board — it is one of the international bodies that oversees accreditation of Feldenkrais professional training programmes. This site has a comprehensive list of trainings in Europe & Israel.

Feldenkrais Resources
This organisation, located in the United States, offers the most comprehensive collection of books, audiotapes and videos related to the Feldenkrais Method.

Feldenkrais Method® is the registered trademark of the Feldenkrais Guild UK Ltd, Reg No. 1563759. Website construction: Camellia Productions; photos: J Thrift, Christian Kipp, Roswitha Chesher.

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