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Feldenkrais classes & lessons in London
free individual Feldenkrais lessons

Students in the fourth year of a professional Feldenkrais training programme will be giving individual lessons to members of the public, under the supervision of our staff. These lessons are free, though you may make a donation on the day, if you wish. These are an important part of the curriculum, and also mark a major milestone in the progress of the students through the intense, four-year programme.

(Note: please don't sign up if you are already Feldenkrais practitioners — you know too much!)

⇒ more info: "what happens in a Feldenkrais lesson?"

Lessons take an hour, and are done fully clothed. The Feldenkrais Method is an educational form, an approach to learning about movement and one's self; it is not a medical procedure. If you are currently having medical treatment for a movement-related condition, it would be better to give this project a miss for the moment.

Venue: Central Foundation Boys School, Cowper Street, London EC2A 4SH
(next to Old Street Tube Station) Look for the Cowper Street exit from the Tube Station; the new and very modern front door of the school is a few yards down the street, on your right. We are meeting in the Heritage Gym, which will be signposted.

⇒ map

At this moment, there are no slots left. Do please look again in a couple of days; it may be that more will be available.

Feldenkrais Method® is the registered trademark of the Feldenkrais Guild UK Ltd, Reg No. 1563759. Website construction: Camellia Productions; photos: J Thrift, Christian Kipp, Roswitha Chesher.

movement for human being