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Feldenkrais classes & lessons in London
professional training
as a
Feldenkrais practitioner

a picture of Elizabeth Beringer

The new four-year training programme started, with a two-week segment in July. Late entry may still be possible – please contact us as soon as you can, if you are interested. You will find the answers to many of your questions below, but if you find you have other enquiries, or just want to have a chat, please email Scott at the address at the bottom of this page. 

This programme, like all of our trainings, has been accreditated by the European Training Accreditation Board, working alongside the other international Training Accreditation Boards, so that our graduation certificates are recognised anywhere in the world.

Click here for the training application.

Frequently asked questions:
Where will it meet?
When will it meet?
Are any introductory sessions required?
Who will the teachers be?
How much will it cost? Can I pay in instalments?
What if I have to miss time?
What if I have to stop or transfer to another course?
When will I be qualified to teach classes (ATM)?
When will I be qualified to do individual work (FI)?
Where is the qualification recognised?
What kind of assignments are given between course segments? How much written work is required?
How much anatomy will I learn?
What kind of previous knowledge or experience do I need?
I'm not sure I want to be a practitioner; is this the right course for me?
Will I need to buy any special books or equipment?
Where will it meet?

We have been using premises in a school, two minutes from Old Street Tube Station. We have found it spacious & conveniently located, with friendly staff. We will also meet for two weeks per year in a church in Deptford, 6 minutes on the train from London Bridge.

When will it meet?

We will for 40 days per year for 4 years, arranged in weeks of 5 days, M - F, generally from 11 am to 5 pm each day. Some of the hours will be provided through zoom, as this allows for smaller groups as well as a more continuing contact through the year. For the first year, we are planning:

  • summer 2024 – 2 weeks, 22 July - 2 August, in Deptford
  • Easter 2025 – 2 weeks, near Old Street
  • early summer 2025 – 2 weeks in early June, in Deptford
  • 50 hours on zoom, distributed through the year

Subsequent years would be:

  • late summer – 3 weeks in August, near Old Street
  • Easter – 2 weeks, near Old Street
  • early summer – 2 weeks in early June, in Deptford
  • 25 hours on zoom, distributed over weekends through the year

The last year would finish in the early summer of 2028.  

Are any introductory sessions required?top

We don’t require any introductory sessions, but if you would like to come and visit the current programme for a day, that would give you an opportunity to see for yourself how the programme works, and what the atmosphere is like. You could do during 23 - 28 October, 12 - 17 February, or at Easter time. The venue is next to Old Street Tube Station, in London.  

Who will the teachers be?top

In addition to the core staff of Scott Clark (Educational Director), Sophie Arditti (Administrative Assistant), Shelagh O'Neill & Ryan Jansen (Continuity Assistants), we have invited guest trainers including Elizabeth Beringer, Angelica Feldmann, Martin Mosimann, Garet Newell, Raz Ori, & Arlyn Zones. We will invite additional Assistant Trainers from the UK and beyond.  

How much will it cost? Can I pay in instalments?top

The fees for the next training will be £13,600 for the entire four years. A variety of payment plans will be available. Some students like to pay for an entire year at a time (which will attract a small discount), some prefer to pay by monthly payments, others find it more convenient to pay by the training segment.  

What if I have to miss time?top

We know that life makes many demands on people, and it may not always be possible to attend as consistently as you would wish. There will be a variety of ways to make up missed time. First of all, the international regulations by which we must abide stipulate that you can miss up to 10 class days in the entire four years without making them up (though no more than 5 of these can be in any single year). Time can be made up by attending makeup days in London; four or five will be held each year. There will be a small charge for attendance at these. Alternatively, you could listen to the audio recordings for the days that you missed, and do a written summary of your experience with the material. This will be straightforward, as all course proceedings will be recorded, with the recordings available to students. Finally, for longer missed periods, you could makeup time in another course.  

What if I have to stop or transfer to another course?top

We understand that life circumstances can change in unexpected ways. Should you find it necessary, you would be able to transfer to another course without appreciably losing time. If you needed to transfer, or to simply leave the training, you would not be responsible for paying for any days beyond the point at which you gave notice. The one exception to this is the first two weeks — if you start the course, then we will ask that you pay the full first two weeks, even if you were to leave earlier than that.  

When will I be qualified to teach classes (ATM)?top

Upon satisfactory completion of the first two years, trainees will be authorised as student teachers, provisional on continuing in the training process.  

When will I be qualified to do individual work (FI)?top

You will be authorised to do the individual work — Functional Integration — on satisfactory completion of the entire four-year training.  

Where is the qualification recognised?top

Our trainings have been accredited by the European Training Accreditation Board, which acts jointly with the other international Feldenkrais organisations; as a result, the qualification you will gain will be recognised anywhere in the world.  

What kind of assignments are given between course segments? How much written work is required?top

The majority of the course work will be experiential. We will give suggestions for further study between the course segments, but these will primarily be practical — on the order of 'try this lesson on your own' or 'practice this technique with friends'. Some reading will be assigned; for instance, the major publications by Moshe Feldenkrais will be examined and discussed during the course. There will be two or three small written projects, for instance, planning a one-day workshop.  

How much anatomy will I learn?top

One of the largest elements of the course is the practical, experiential exploration of anatomy in action that is Awareness Through Movement. It will be an ingredient of every day of the course, and provides a basis for everything that we do in the Feldenkrais Method. Altogether, it makes a kind of encyclopaedia of movement. But this is very different than the usual approach to anatomy, which is based on a conceptual understanding of the form and structure of the body. We will include some material of this sort, and also include pointers toward sources of further study of that if it interests you. Our primary aim will be to equip you to understand and speak about anatomy as it manifests in action.  

What kind of previous knowledge or experience do I need?top

People come to a Feldenkrais training with a wide variety of previous preparation. In the past we have had physiotherapists, doctors, Pilates instructors, yoga teachers, dancers, actors, musicians, Alexander teachers — but also linguists, lawyers, school teachers — the list could go much further! We enjoy the rich mixture of skills and interests, especially as this is the kind of project in which we all learn from each other. The training process will challenge everyone, in different ways. Moshe Feldenkrais developed a vision that was radical in its time, and it remains so today.  

I'm not sure I want to work as a practitioner; is this the right course for me?top

Students may enter the training with some idea of what they want to do with the Method, but then find that they are engaged in a different way later on. Some who think they will never practice end up being terrific teachers. Others will find, or even may be clear from the beginning, that they are doing the training programme primarily for self-growth and development. The training is an unparalleled opportunity for growth in ways that will surprise you, in their depth and in their direction.  

Will I need to buy any special books or equipment?top

There are a few books, primarily those by Moshe Feldenkrais himself, that you will certainly want to buy. There are others that will depend on your personal interest — books, CD and DVD recordings of lessons and workshops, and so on. You are also likely to want some equipment — a Feldenkrais table and some foam rollers — though some people wait longer before getting these. We will arrange a group purchase of tables, in order to make it more economical.

Feldenkrais Method® is the registered trademark of the Feldenkrais Guild UK Ltd, Reg No. 1563759. Website construction: Camellia Productions; photos: J Thrift, Christian Kipp, Roswitha Chesher.

movement for human being